Reinforcing industry commitment to advancing optimal infant and young child nutrition through scientific and medical research, supported by education and information.
It is essential that infants and young children receive the necessary nutrients at appropriate levels to help set them on a path to a long, healthy life.
For more than a century, the Infant and Young Child nutrition industry has supported proper nutrition during this crucial period of life. Our industry provides, based on the latest available science, high quality, safe and age appropriate nutrition for infants, and young children, and the education needed to support healthy growth and development.
While breast milk is the best source of nutrition for infants, WHO recognises a scientifically-developed formula product to be the only suitable and safe alternative, when mothers are unable or unwilling to breastfeed, for whatever reasons.
Specific legislation covering the age appropriate composition, production, labelling and marketing of foods for infants and young children has been set at national and/or international level (Codex Alimentarius). It thereby guarantees safe and effective use of these products.
As a result of these national and international legislation and standards, the infant formula sector is one of the most rigorously regulated food sectors in the world.
Regulatory authorities enforce these legislative requirements in all markets the infant food industry is active in, with strict and continuous oversight of all production and marketing activities.
Infant formula manufacturers take great pride in offering a wide range of products that cater to infants and young children with different nutritional needs. These products are based on current advancements in the scientific understanding of infant nutrition, enabling healthcare professionals and parents to choose the most appropriate product for each infant.
Putting a product on the market is affected by many factors, including extensive research and development which is at the core of infant and toddler nutritional products, the quality of ingredients, as well as production processes and packaging. Likewise other environmental, regulatory or business considerations in each country will have an impact.
When marketing follow-up formula and growing-up milk, our industry agrees that it needs to be ethical, unambiguous and done transparently. They believe that the marketing of formula should also contribute to the provision of safe and adequate nutrition for infants by ensuring the proper use of formula, when necessary, on the basis of providing appropriate education and adequate information.