Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2017
Thailand nutrition in transition: situation and challenges – Double burden of malnutrition (DBMN), the coexistence of under- and overnutrition in the same population, is an emerging public health concern in developing countries, including Thailand. This paper aims to review the maternal and child nutrition situation and trends as the country moved from a low-income to a middle-income country, using data from large scale national surveys.
Accelerating Equitable Achievement of the MDGs: Closing Gaps in Health and Nutrition Outcomes – This report is the sixth in the series published by ADB, ESCAP and UNDP on the Millennium Development Goals achievement in Asia and the Pacific region.
ILSI South East Asia – ILSI SEA Region is the regional branch of the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) a non-profit, worldwide organization whose mission is to provide science that improves public health and well-being. It achieves this mission by fostering collaboration among experts from academia, government, and industry on conducting, gathering, summarizing, and disseminating science. Its activities focus primarily on nutrition and health promotion; food safety; risk assessment; and the environment. Its Southeast Asia branch was established in1993 and is headquartered in Singapore to co-ordinate scientific programs, research and information dissemination in Southeast Asia (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam), Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific islands.
Report on the Regulatory Status of Micronutrient Fortification in Southeast Asia, ILSI
Proceedings of the 3rd Expert Consultation and Planning Meeting on Infant and Young Child Nutrition Part 1 – During the 2nd ILSI SEA Region Expert Consultation and Planning Meeting in 2011, the following information gaps were identified: (i) Some Southeast Asian countries did not have data on infant and young child feeding (IYCF) indicators; (ii) There is a need to know the reasons for the disparities in duration of breastfeeding, age of giving complementary foods, and other breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices in Southeast Asian populations; (iii) Optimal complementary feeding practices that are most suitable in the context of Southeast Asia need to be identified. This report presents highlights from a literature review regarding the above topics. Findings from nationwide surveys and small scale studies were compiled to provide a snapshot of the state of infant and young child feeding practices in the region. Results for Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, and Vietnam are presented here.
Proceedings of the 3rd Expert Consultation and Planning Meeting on Infant and Young Child Nutrition Part 2 – The Infant and Early Childhood Nutrition Task Force, International Life Sciences Institute Southeast Asia (ILSI SEA) Region, organised the 1st and 2nd Expert Consultation and Planning Meeting on Infant and Early Childhood Nutrition in 2009 and 2011, respectively. The goal of the consultations was “to generate and promote relevant science-based information that will help improve nutritional status, growth and development of infants and young children in Southeast Asia.”
Supplementation of milk formula with galacto-oligosaccharides improves intestinal micro-flora and fermentation in term infants – Breast-feeding is a golden standard for infant feeding. However, many infants are being fed in another way, cow’s milk-based formula.
Food-based strategies improve iron status in toddlers: a randomized controlled trial – Nonanemic iron deficiency is common in toddlers in developed countries. Food-based strategies are safe methods to control and prevent mild micronutrient deficiencies.
Safety aspects of probiotic bacterial strains Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp.lactis HN019 in human infants aged 0-2 years – Probiotic bacteria defined as “live micro-organisms” that when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host.
Association of complex lipids containing gangliosides with cognitive development of 6-month-old infants – Human breastmilk contains gangliosides which may play an important role in infant neurodevelopment. Gangliosides are complex glycosphingolipids which make up approximately 10% of the total mass of brain lipids and contain negatively charged sialic acids.
Micronutrient Deficits Are Still Public Health Issues among Women and Young Children in Vietnam – The 2000 Vietnamese National Nutrition Survey showed that the population’s dietary intake had improved since 1987. However, inequalities were found in food consumption between socioeconomic groups. As no national data exist on the prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies, a survey was conducted in 2010 to assess the micronutrient status of randomly selected 1526 women of reproductive age and 586 children aged 6–75 months.
Efficacy of Milk Fortified with a Probiotic Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 (DR-10TM) and Prebiotic Galacto-oligosaccharides in Prevention of Morbidity: A Community Based Double Masked Randomized Trial – Although there is increasing evidence demonstrating the beneficial effects of prebiotic and probiotic therapeutic effects on the gut, data from controlled clinical trials of adequate size evaluating preventive effects of probiotics on and beyond the gut are lacking. This double blind randomized controlled trial evaluated the efficacy of combined prebiotic and probiotic delivery via fortified milk in preventing diarrhea and other invasive bacterial and viral infections among preschool children. There was a significant reduction in incidence and prevalence of bloody diarrhea, febrile illness, days with severe illness, and a 10% reduction in diarrhea and days with ear discharge both of which were statistically non-significant.
Effects of Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 and Prebiotic Oligosaccharide Added to Milk on Iron Status, Anemia, and Growth Among Childfren 1 to 4 years old – To evaluate the effect of Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 and Prebiotic fortified milk on Iron Status, Anemia, and Growth Among Childfren 1 to 4 years old.
Prebiotic and Probiotic Fortified Milk in Prevention of Morbidities among Children: Community-Based, Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Trial – Recent reviews suggest common infectious diseases continue to be a major cause of death among preschool children in developing countries. Identification of feasible strategies to combat this disease burden is an important public health need. We evaluated the efficacy of adding prebiotic oligosaccharide and probiotic Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 to milk, in preventing diarrohea,respiratory infections and severe illnesses, in children aged 1–4 years as part of a four group study design, running two studies simultaneously.
Nutritional Status and Eating Practices Among Children Aged 4-6 Years old in Selected Urban and Rural in Selangor, Malaysia – Nutritional status and eating practices varies among urban and rural area because there are differences in environment and socioeconomic status. This cross-sectional study was aimed to compare and investigate the relationship between the nutritional status and eating practices among children aged 4-6 years old in urban and rural area in Selangor, Malaysia.
Nutritional status of women and children in Malaysian rural populations – This study was conducted to investigate the nutritional status of the rural population in Malaysia, especially women and children. A total of 262 women aged 18 and over and 183 children aged 2-6 years were selected using multistage cluster sampling from four locations in rural areas.
Nutritional Status of Children below Five Years in Malaysia: Anthropometric Analyses from the Third National Health and Morbidity Survey III (NHMS, 2006) – The Third National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS III) was conducted in 2006 on a nationally representative sample of population in Malaysia. Over 21,000 children aged 0-17.9 years were measured for body weight and stature according to the protocol of the World Health Organization. This article describes the nutritional status of children aged 0-59.9 months.
MILK and human nutrition in dairy products – Billions of people around the world consume milk and dairy products every day. Not only are milk and dairy products a vital source of nutrition for these people,they also present livelihoods opportunities for farmers, processors, shopkeepers and other stakeholders in the dairy value chain. But to achieve this, consumers, industry and governments need up-to-date information on how milk and dairy products can contribute to human nutrition and how dairying and dairy-industry development can best contribute to increasing food security and alleviating poverty.
The importance of milk and other animal-source foods for children in low-income countries – Milk and other animal-source foods are concentrated dietary sources of macro- and micronutrients.Despite a global increase in milk production and consumption over the past decades, milk and other animal-source foods are often lacking.
The role of beverages in childhood nutrition – A satellite symposium looking at the role of beverages in childhood nutrition was held at the 20th International Congress of Nutrition (ICN) on 16 September 2013 in the Granada Conference and Exhibition centre. The sponsored meeting, chaired by Professor Ferdinand Haschke, Head of the Nestlé Nutrition Institute brought together three eminent speakers to examine different aspects of the role of beverages in children’s diets.