The Indonesian Association of Nutritious Products for Mothers and Children Companies was established in June 1992 by the Directorate General of Nutrition, the Indonesian Ministry of Health and manufacturers of baby food. Its purpose is to implement the WHO Code and PerMenKes RI No.240/Menkes/Per/1985.
As an association, we represent the industry’s role in improving the health and nutrition of Indonesia’s mothers and children. The association comprises of 11 companies which manufacture or import nutritional products for mothers and children in Indonesia, including Abbott, Fonterra Brands, Frisian Flag, Indofood CBP, Mead Johnson, Mirota KSM, Nestlé, Nutricia Indonesia Sejahtera, Kalbe Nutritionals, Sari Husada and Wyeth. APPNIA recognizes that infants receive the best form of nutrition from breastfeeding during the first six months of their life, and therefore, fully supports the government’s program on breastfeeding. Our members strictly adhere to local regulations and the WHO Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes.
We conduct an internal self-monitoring process and ensure that our members comply with regulations. Moving forward, we want to ensure that business partners, such as retailers, also comply with regulations and have the same understanding of the local and international codes. We are committed to providing high quality nutritious products in accordance with national food safety standards. Our members have invested significant resources in research and development as well as new technology to ensure that we fulfill the nutritional needs of mothers and children in Indonesia. We have also partnered with local professional associations to ensure that their expert input is incorporated in our product development.
For more information about APPNIA, please contact: Dr Poppy Kumala, Executive Director at